Tuesday, August 22, 2006

DISP Update

IMPORTANT: I found a dollar on the ground the other day after work. If you lost it let me know, and I will return it.

I had a very busy week at the lab because I’m working on about 8 different projects. Classes start soon, which means I should figure out what courses I need to take. I probably shouldn’t talk much about research on this (public) blog, but we are working on some very exciting things.

I think I’m “going to have to go ahead and” visit Digital Optics Corporation in Charlotte tomorrow, and possibly Thursday for the thin IR camera project. Also, collaboration is starting to pickup with our friends at Rice University.

I have successfully transitioned to a new (for me) office desktop computer. With Evan’s help I am now running dual AMD Athlon MP 1700+ (1.47GHz) with 1GB RAM. Definitely fast enough for MS Office, email, and the web. However, some new students in the group have newer Dell 3.4 GHz machines. In a way this is good because it forces me to write my code twice as good in order to keep up. I manage. [Historical note: current processor technology is just starting to use ‘dual core’ 65 nm process technology. The Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 Conroe 1066Mhz FSB runs at 2.13 GHz sells for $260.]


At 11:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

8 projects? Are you crazy? ^_^ Ha Ha......

Ask your boss to pay you more!


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