DISP Update
IMPORTANT: I found a dollar on the ground the other day after work. If you lost it let me know, and I will return it.
I have successfully transitioned to a new (for me) office desktop computer. With Evan’s help I am now running dual AMD Athlon MP 1700+ (1.47GHz) with 1GB RAM. Definitely fast enough for MS Office, email, and the web. However, some new students in the group have newer Dell 3.4 GHz machines. In a way this is good because it forces me to write my code twice as good in order to keep up. I manage. [Historical note: current processor technology is just starting to use ‘dual core’ 65 nm process technology. The Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 Conroe 1066Mhz FSB runs at 2.13 GHz sells for $260.]
8 projects? Are you crazy? ^_^ Ha Ha......
Ask your boss to pay you more!
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