Sunday, June 25, 2006

My first post

Today, I enter the world of blogging. In the past, I've tried keeping a journal before, but I just never could get into the habit of updating it. It was always a struggle to find the right words to describe the world as I see it. I will try to overcome these obstacles as I look toward the future. As I move forward, I hope to record snippets from my life. Someday, I may enjoy looking back on my adventures. For the time being, I hope this will help me to organize some of my thoughts and provide interested friends with a glimpse of my life. Hopefully it will be entertaining.

I shall set the philosophy aside for now and close with an anecdote from my latest trip to the grocery store:
I was at the deli counter and wanted to purchase some smoked turkey. Casually, I asked the attendant to slice me 0.4 lb. of turkey. She seemed to have significant difficulty interpreting my request, nearly slicing me 4lbs! I explained that I wanted the scale to read 0.4, which is a little less than a half a pound and a little more than a third of a pound. One would have thought Kroger employees would be a little more comfortable with fractions and decimals, especially those working in the deli! Does Harris Teeter have more educated employees? Should I have ordered in ounces or kilograms? (That would have been especially enjoyable.)

My rationale: In the past, I have found that 1 lb is usually good for about 5 sandwiches. I wanted enough for 2 this week, hence the order for 2/5 lb. Anticipating my fraction’s unconventional denominator, I tried to make everyone’s life easier by converting to decimal. Apparently I thought wrong.

My first example of what has been, is, and will become "Classic Portnoy".


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only you Man. Anyone else would have just asked for half a pound. I mean who doesnt want to add just that little bit of turkey to each sandwhich.

But then again thats what Makes you, you. Give me a call when you come back to CT!


At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is your first blog and post. Funny!

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

should just become vegetarian!
(look, i can post comments rather than just stalking...)

At 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Classic --- this site is exactly what I need while I'm in DC for the summer 8-)

We just need buttons you can push that say "Messy!" "Sloppy!" or some random singing --- then it would be perfect


At 3:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger is good, but i still prefer MSN. ^_^



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