You've got a clean shot. Do you take it?
This morning, I noticed a very interesting article on I enjoy discussing ethical questions, and this new story is quite applicable. However, someone is dead, so I'm obviously not 'enjoying' the situation. I first will preface this by 3 things. I don't own a gun, have a wife, or live in Texas.
From (Waco, TX):
Husband Shot Wife’s Lover: She’s Charged, He’s Not
A Fort Worth man who killed his wife's lover after finding them together has escaped murder charges from a grand jury.
Instead, the Tarrant County grand jury indicted Darrell Roberson's wife, Tracy Roberson, accusing her of causing the shooting by claiming she was being raped.
The 35-year-old wife is charged with manslaughter in the death of Devin LaSalle.
Police say Roberson invited LaSalle to her home in December with a text message that said "I need to feel your warm embrace!"
If convicted after Wednesday's indictment, Mrs. Roberson faces two to 20 years in prison.
Prosecutors say Darrell Roberson arrived home and found his wife clad in only a robe and underwear with LaSalle outside in a pickup truck.
They allege Mrs. Roberson told her 38-year-old husband she was being raped, so he fired four shots as LaSalle tried driving away.
One bullet struck LaSalle in the head.
Some legal experts say they've never quite heard a case quite like this.
Texas Wesleyan School of Law associate professor Jason Gillmer says a husband "is entitled to defend his wife and his family against aggravated assault."
----Some questions I've been asking myself:
Are the charges fair?
Who's the victim?
Who's 'good' and who's 'bad'?
What if the wife was raped?
I've got some thoughts, but I'd also be interested in hearing your questions, answers, and plot twists. Please feel free to comment. I'd really be interested to hear what you think about this and other issues.