Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Latin Moments

I wanted to note how well the Latin title of my previous post leads into this post. I wanted to share some saying from my Phrase-A-Day calendar. Here are some excerpts in chronological order:

Melius tarde, quam nunquam.
Better late than never.

Sit vis nobiscum.
May the force be with you.

Aude sapere.
Dare to be wise.

Monstra mihi pecuniam!
Show me the money!

Quid currus passus est?
You did what to the car?

Ubi fumus, ibi ignis.
Where this is smoke there is fire.

Licentia poetica.
Poetic license.

Modo vincimus, modo vincimur.
Well, you win some, you loose some. (Literally: Sometimes we conquer, sometimes we are conquered.)

Iube tuos colloqui cum meis.
Have your people talk to my people.

Hoc est verum et nihili nisi verum.
This is the truth and nothing but the truth.

Isto pensitaris?
You get paid for this?

Mater atrium necessitas.
Necessity is the mother of invention.

Nullum gratuitum prandium.
There is no free lunch!

Experientia docet.
Experience is the best teacher. (Literally: Experience teaches.)

Nunc aunt nunquam.
Now or never.

Nec possum tecum vivere, noc sine te.
I can live neither with you nor without you.


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